Pre-Covid19 I was cycling the last 5 km into Parkmore on the outskirts of Galway City, to avoid traffic and to get fit(ter). At the time I was in a really stressful job and my 5 km cycle into work set me up for the day, and helped me to destress and wind down in the evening! It was much needed me time that really helped me with my mental health. Unless there was frost on the road or storms, I was on my bike!

When Covid hit back in March 2020 I made myself a promise to continue cycling, as it was part of my daily routine. As we were all working from home, I cycled around my neighbourhood instead. I admit, I hadn’t done this before, as although I live in an absolutely beautiful area, the roads aren’t designed for cyclists, so when you sense danger, you stop…

As I started to explore, I found all these quiet roads I’d never seen before. I started to map cycles in around Skehanagh. As it turns out, there are quite a few loops, ranging from 5 to 20 Km. And then in between restrictions, I started to explore further and discovered other loops, mostly located on L roads.. Some of them absolutely stunning…

I set up a group on Facebook called Gort Cycle Trails and started to share my loops and places I discovered on social media and people were interested in where those places were I was cycling .I am hoping by recording the various loops, it will encourage people to explore locally. once Covid restrictions easy, I hope to set up regular Cycle Meet Ups or if you prefer a guided tour, please contact me.

You can check out the loops I have documented so far! One of my favourite loops is the Skehanagh - Thoor Ballylee - Gort River Walk - Kiltartan Gregory Museum Loop… Full article here or check out one of the videos I took, it was a gorgeous day!

Cycling is now an essential part of my daily routine, preferable in the morning. It sets me up for the day, gets me relaxed and it definitely helps to focus. You should try it too!

Bike at Poulataggle, Tubber

Bike at Poulataggle, Tubber ( Write up coming soon!)

Bike at Tawin Island, Ballinderreen

Bike at Tawin Island, Ballinderreen ( Write Up Coming Soon!)

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